题 目:Understanding what controls ecosystem metabolism-the exchange of carbon and water between forests and the atmosphere
主讲人:Michael G. Ryan 教授 (Colorado State University)
时 间:2015年11月16日(星期一) 9:30-11:00
地 点:科技大厦604(原机械楼 主604)
Michael G. Ryan, 教授, 美国科罗拉多州立大学(Colorado State University)自然资源生态实验室主任、资深科学家。Michael G. Ryan教授长期从事森林生态系统研究,主要包括(1)树木生理和生态系统过程随树龄的变化;(2)碳分配和气候变化对碳分配及生产力的影响;(3)树木死亡机理;(4)植物呼吸以及植物呼吸和生产力之间的关联;(5)生态系统呼吸、土壤碳氮交互作用、土壤碳分解;(6)干扰对景观碳循环的影响;(7)树木生理,包括营养物质吸收、水分流失和碳增益的协调。Michael G. Ryan教授最近几年获得超过220万美元的研究经费,研究成果发表在Nature, PNAS, Global Change Biology, New Phytologist, Tree Physiology, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology等高水平学术刊物上。本次报告重点介绍什么因素控制生态系统代谢作用,即森林与大气之间的碳、水交换,欢迎广大师生参与讲座和讨论。
Giardina CP and MG Ryan. 2000. Evidence that temperature does not influence the decomposition of organic carbon in forest mineral soils. Nature 404: 858-861.
Westerling AL, MG Turner, EAH Smithwick, WH Romme and MG Ryan. 2011. Continued warming could transform Greater Yellowstone fire regimes by mid-21st Century. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 32: 13165-13170. www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1110199108.
Speckman HN, JM Frank, JB Bradford, BL Miles, WJ Massman, WJ Parton and MG Ryan. 2015. Forest ecosystem respiration estimated from eddy covariance and chamber measurements under high turbulence and substantial tree mortality from bark beetles. Global Change Biology 21: 708–721, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12731.
Asao S and MG Ryan. 2015. Carbohydrate regulation of photosynthesis and respiration from branch girdling in four species of wet tropical rain forest trees. Tree Physiology, In Press, February 2015.
McDowell NG, MG Ryan, MJB Zeppel and DT Tissue. 2013. Improving our knowledge of drought-induced forest mortality through experiments, observations, and modeling. New Phytologist 200: 289-293.
Olivas PC, SF Oberbauer, DB Clark, DA Clark, MG Ryan, JJ O'Brien and H Ordonez. 2013. Comparison of direct and indirect methods for assessing leaf area index across a tropical rain forest landscape. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 177: 110-116.
Kashian DM, WH Romme, DB Tinker, MG Turner and MG Ryan. 2013. Post-fire changes in forest carbon storage over a 300-year chronosequence of Pinus contorta-dominated forests. Ecological Monographs 83: 49–66.
Michael G. Ryan个人网页:http://lamar.colostate.edu/~mryan/index.htm